Thursday, October 2, 2008

I've Been Tagged!!! =o

My friend, Morgan Elyse has tagged me!

Here are the rules:

Link to the person who tagged you.

Post the rules on your blog.

Write six random things about yourself.

Tag sixish people at the end of your post.

Let each person know he or she has been tagged.

Let the tagger know when your entry is up.

Six things about me:

1) I don't not like spider whatsoever so when asked the question "Kill or let it go?"

I say KILL!!!!

2) I like to go hiking

3) Most people don't know but I like photography! LOL =P

4) I wish I had blue eyes

5) I play the violin

6) I really can't think of anything else to say about myself! =o

I tag:

Mia Halton


(My dad) JP's Blawg




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Born and raised in North East Florida I am the oldest of four and a graduated homeschooler. My family and I moved to East Tennessee in the summer of 2007 (the beginning of my senior year of high-school). First and foremost, I am an unworthy sinner that was shown the ugliness of sin, and my gracious Heavenly Father brought me to repentance (James 4:6-10) and now by His Grace I am being sanctified. Now I am a young woman striving to serve my God and Savior Jesus Christ. I long for a stronger walk with Him. ~ Semper Reformanda and Solo Scriptura
