Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Well friends we have lost!

But our job now is to fight and pray.

And not just pray for us but for our new President.
God has shown us so many times how
He can use people for His Glory!
This will be an excellent lesson to us on how to pray for those that we don't necessarily agree with!
But what we must realize is that
Obama is our Commander and Chief now.
We must pray for him that God will use him.
I have caught myself tonight being bitter about this.
But I can't!
God is the one who holds the future!
So, I think as Christians we should pray for him ask that God's will be done!
And America is a strong nation!
We have come through many things!

Let's not stop here with defeat!
Advance forward and press on!



Anonymous said...

So disheartening. Yes, we have to PRAY! We have to remind ourselves that God is still in control!

Anonymous said...

So sad!
BTW. your pictures aren't coming up on the screen there is a outline for them but no picture. just thought I would let you know.

My photo
Born and raised in North East Florida I am the oldest of four and a graduated homeschooler. My family and I moved to East Tennessee in the summer of 2007 (the beginning of my senior year of high-school). First and foremost, I am an unworthy sinner that was shown the ugliness of sin, and my gracious Heavenly Father brought me to repentance (James 4:6-10) and now by His Grace I am being sanctified. Now I am a young woman striving to serve my God and Savior Jesus Christ. I long for a stronger walk with Him. ~ Semper Reformanda and Solo Scriptura
