Friday, January 30, 2009

Merry Christmas to Me from Morgan!!

Hand-made!! By my dearest friend the perfect gift!
I had forgotten that I needed this!
Some many times I would go off with my camera and the strap would hurt my neck!


and it's one of my favorite colors!!! GREEN


(Oh and i get the gag gift!!!!)


Anonymous said...

Simply lovely.

Anonymous said...

Wow what a neat idea! I think I'm going to make one for myself...

Anonymous said...

Hey Alyssa, thanks for visiting! I love photography too :) And wow, you have a nikon too! What model is it? I have the d40x.

No, I didn't make the pictures - they were created by Amnesty International. But I thought they were awesome!

Anonymous said...

Wow D80 is even cooler! I love the photos on your photography blogspot. Especially the self-portrait ones - they're fantastic!

My favourite things to take pictures of are nature and my family. We had snow falling in the night (very rare for us) so as soon as it's light I'm going to take my camera out and take some pics.

Wales is such a beautiful country! We have a great combination of wild mountains and soft, gentle valleys and fields...but I'll get carried away! It's so cool that you're welsh, despite living in the US ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, that's awesome! That girl is so creative!!! Miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Yeah the record snow is awesome!! I think we're just about reaching the end of it now tho :( But wow the Florida beaches sound so cool too! We don't usually get very hot summers. Seriously, sunshine is almost as rare as snow here...just to warn you, Wales is famous for its rain!!

But it IS beautiful...think I said that before! ;) And yeah you'll have to come and visit. Especially the mountains.

Yep and I'm on facebook :) And I've just added an Alyssa Scott - hope I got the right one!!

God bless you too, enjoy your day!

My photo
Born and raised in North East Florida I am the oldest of four and a graduated homeschooler. My family and I moved to East Tennessee in the summer of 2007 (the beginning of my senior year of high-school). First and foremost, I am an unworthy sinner that was shown the ugliness of sin, and my gracious Heavenly Father brought me to repentance (James 4:6-10) and now by His Grace I am being sanctified. Now I am a young woman striving to serve my God and Savior Jesus Christ. I long for a stronger walk with Him. ~ Semper Reformanda and Solo Scriptura
