Thursday, August 6, 2009

My First Violin Student! My own lil Bro!! :D

After just one day of lessons from big sis he plays his first song!
I'm so PROUD!!!
Being we don't have a small enough violin for him yet we are working on pizzicato.
(Pause the music on the side)


Anonymous said...

Papa & Granny just listened to your first musical piece. It was "raw talent". Elijah, you were great. Alyssa, you're doing a great job with your first student.

Liv said...

He's too cute!!!

Zech Josh said...

That's nice

Madison said...

Well.......what did you expect??? he's my brother!!!


:P *eager face*

Alyssa Scott said...

Ha.....ha.......haaaaa! You just shock me some times Maddie with your humor!
I forget how funny you are..... (rolling eyes) lol

Madison said...

I don't know how I shock you! I'm like that every day!


Katherine said...

Very cute.

My photo
Born and raised in North East Florida I am the oldest of four and a graduated homeschooler. My family and I moved to East Tennessee in the summer of 2007 (the beginning of my senior year of high-school). First and foremost, I am an unworthy sinner that was shown the ugliness of sin, and my gracious Heavenly Father brought me to repentance (James 4:6-10) and now by His Grace I am being sanctified. Now I am a young woman striving to serve my God and Savior Jesus Christ. I long for a stronger walk with Him. ~ Semper Reformanda and Solo Scriptura
